

Earth Day 2022 collaborative writing on the landscape

Ecumenopolis map

Check out this inspiring artist writing with her body!

Writing Letters to the Fox by Verónica Perales Blanco

description of the practice

We begin by using the locative potentials of Google Maps to explore some creative concepts of Locative Media before using the CGeomap tool.
We invite you to be part of the experimental collective writing and drawing for peace on a shared map. This practice is meant to show how we can use maps to express our desire for a better world. It is also a way to see maps in a different way and discover the potentials of locative media and location based storytelling.
Ecumenopolis map

the practice

Step one: let's take over the map together and write the word "Peace" all over the world, following the outlines, tracks, streets and roads of your choice and in your language. A snapshot of your locative writing will be uploaded on the CGeomap play-on map. This practice with Google Maps is meant to understand the potential of the body in motion and how we can expand the way we feel the Earth. A playful action to invite other people to decipher a secret message by walking in a different way.

Step two: open the shared Google Maps and write some "Peace" words in the language(s) of your choice. Be aware that to edit this map you have to log in with a Google account before opening the link below. You can draw anonymously or create a field with a text about yourself on the map. Because this open map is limited to 10 layers, just use the regular "general layer for everyone" to draw your letters. This practice will be always available because each day is an Earth Day.

Ecumenopolis map

In this short tutorial you can see how you can draw letters on Google Maps. (mute video)

keeping a recollection of the event on CGeomap

We will show in 3 minutes how you can create a locative entry of the mini workshop for Play On. The play-on map becomes on that way a repository of creative gamifications of locative media content and an open place to try out new ideas.

To keep a memory of this event, we will upload a screenshot of your "peace" word location and drawing on the CGeomap map play-on. This map contains several resources regarding other inspiring ways to gamify location based contents.

following up

Are you interested by the potential of Locative Media and you have an idea to use with the CGeomap play-on map ? Contact us through the contact form below and share your concept with us and we can facilitate an extra online session for you project suggestion and offer a trial account of CGeomap. CGeomap is not a freeware, we offer more than only user accounts but engage in collaborative process to elaborate projects. CGeomap is meant to introduce an understanding of Locative Media and to assist in the creation of resilient networks of people, on a local and global scale.

Are you interested by the potential of Locative Media and you have an own idea to expand this kind of practice ? Contact us through the contact form below and share your concept with us. If selected by our team, we can offer a trial account to experiment with your own temporary mini-project, writing and walking in the landscape. Supercluster and CGeomap are a joint project meant to introduce an understanding of Locative Media and to assist in the creation of resilient networks of people, on a local and global scale, and in deeper connection with the Earth.


Collaborative Locative Media

mobile / desktop

CGeomap is an easy editor and a simple to use web app, autoplaying audiovisual content via the GPS of your mobile device, and as well on a desktop digital map.

Locative Time Media 2.0

It allows you, alone or in a group of editors, to publish and share your media contents with QR code and GPS geolocation, indoors and outdoors.